الفرق بين thank you وthanks

مجتمع رجيم / English Language Forum
كتبت : سعادتى فى رضا ربى
الفرق بين Thanks & Thankyou

Hello !

it just came in mind those two
normal words we all use
all time " Thank You " and " Thanks"

Thank You and Thanks are very nice
and comforting words , they explain

how greatful you are and show
the other side the deserved respect
they two have the same meaning
but when we should use each one of them
everyone of them has its own situation to use
Thank You : it should be used with
someone whom you do not know very well
Thanks : it could be used with
relatives and friends only, you cannot
use it with a stranger


(thank you) :

نستخدمها مع الأشخاص اللذين لانعرفهم جيداً

( thanks) :

نستخدمها مع الأشخاص المقربين لنا والأصدقاء فقط ولاتستطيع إستعمالها مع غريب
:zyxr_2181: :zyxr_2181:
I hope we all use thanx here coz we all friends

كتبت : الحساااسه


كتبت : حلا دنياك كله
realy it is very nice
كتبت : مهد
thankx my friend
كتبت : سعادتى فى رضا ربى
thanks for ur nice answers

كتبت : ياسمينة البحرين
ثانكسسسسس جزيلاً
الصفحات 1 2  3  4  5  ... الأخيرة


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Used vs Loved

كلمات ذات علاقة
الفرق , بين , وthanks