الفرق بين wish و Hope ؟

مجتمع رجيم / النقاش العام
كتبت : جذور
الفرق بين wish و Hope ؟</p>نستخدم الفعل wish
عند استحالة حصول الشيئ أو عند اعتقاد قلّة نسبة حصوله
We use the verb wish about impossible things
or things that are not likely to happen
( things that you don’t really expect to happen )

For example,
if you are not rich, you might say
1) I wish I were rich

If you are sorry that you said bad things, you might say
2) I wish I hadn&rsquo;t said those bad things

If you want something to happen, but you don&rsquo;t
think it will, you might say
3_ I wish my boss would stop giving me so much work

نستخدم الفعل Hope
عندما تكون احتمالية حصول الشيئ ورادة بشدّة
We use the verb Hope when something is very possible
You might say
1a) I got a new job! I hope I will be rich one
day / I hope I am rich one day

2a) I said bad things. I hope that John was not
offended by my words. I didn&rsquo;t mean them

3a) My boss often gives me too much work. I
hope he doesn&rsquo;t give me any more work to do
over the weekend​

الفرق بين wish و Hope ؟