A letter for my love.... I love you

مجتمع رجيم / English Language Forum
كتبت : اميره العشق
align="left">My dear Love
When you have no light to guide you and no one to walk beside you, I will come to you.
When the night is dark and stormy, you want have to reach out for me,I will come to you.

It's hard to explain the fact of love I have for you.
Me not being me is a change in the vieww of others
I change because of you.... and because of you I will
There is nothing I wouldn't bare to do for you.
I pray for you more than I pray for myself.
I think of you more than I think of myself.
I love you more than I will ever think of loving anyone one else...
I guess I trying to say ; because of you I will !!!....
I want nothing more than to be with you
because you make me feel alive
align="right">your love

letter love.... love yaqy0gju4n1ekq0opcl3

كتبت : didi21
align="left">Thanks darling very nice from you
كتبت : اميره العشق

كتبت : رووعــــــه

Nice words

Thank you

keep it up
كتبت : ღ♥ بسمة الحياة ღ♥

Thank you for the nice words on the subject

كتبت : اميره العشق

الصفحات 1 2 


Envie de..... amoureuse de toi


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كلمات ذات علاقة
letter , love