simple logic .. فوازير.. (حملة سماء الابداع)

مجتمع رجيم / English Language Forum
كتبت : عود مسك
? i am full of holes..but i can hold water..what am i


? i can speak all languages of the world..what am i


? when i am clean..i am black..when i am dirty i am white..what am i

A blackboard

? what belongs only to you but is used more often by others
my name

? what two things can you never have for breakfast
LUNCH AND dinner

Thank you to the subject of entertaining and useful

wait for more from you
كتبت : um rawan
? i am full of holes..but i can hold water..what am i


? i can speak all languages of the world..what am i


? when i am clean..i am black..when i am dirty i am white..what am i

A blackboard

? what belongs only to you but is used more often by others
my name

? what two things can you never have for breakfast
LUNCH AND dinner

Thanks for the nice funny topic.
كتبت : eng_emanzeed
الصفحات 1  2


الحروف الانجليزية لامعة (حملة سماء الابداع)


حروف انقلش للاطفال بشكل جذاب (حملة سماء الابداع)

كلمات ذات علاقة
الابداع , حملة , logic , سماء , simple , فوازير