الله يسعد الي تجواب

مجتمع رجيم / التربية و التعليم
كتبت : شموخ عزي
عندي في الادب قصيدتين ابغى شرحها طبعا انجليزي وترجمتها بالعربي
وهي 1 the ode to atutumn by john keats
2 an Elegy on the death of a mad dog by oliver goldsmith
وانشاء الله يا ديدي تقدري تساعديني زي دايما الله يسعدك حاولي تردي علي اليوم بكره محضرتي الساعة ثمنية الله يسعدك crying.gif
كتبت : سحر هنو
ربنا يوفقك وينجحك
كتبت : didi21
حبيبتى شموخ

انا والله ما شفت الموضوع الا اليوم وحاحط لك اللى اقدر عليه لعل الوقت ما يكون فااااااااااااااااااااات
كتبت : didi21

align="left">John Keats Wrote Ode "To Autumn"
September 19, 1819

The lyric poem is all about the beauty of the season and the melancholy mood that occurs as fall turns into winter. align="left">Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, --.

align="left">Within the first four lines of the poem it is possible to identify the opposition in this poem (or the main most obvious one anyway).
SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

The poem is clearly a celebration of autumn with its late hazy summer days depicted with beauty before they linger in the encroaching winter at the end of the poem. You could write a good analysis of this based upon this idea, maybe commenting on the easy flowing rhyme scheme, the soft alliteration and the gentle word choice to back-up your essay with examples, but to dig a little deeper you could look at the most obvious opposition that of mans interaction with nature.
In the above four lines the first note of mans involvement is with the "thatch" cottages in the last line. Here the bending of the vines hint that man and nature are operating in harmony together, the vines, the inclusion of the word "friend" although commenting on summer's relationship with the fruit, is a positive word that blends well with the idea of man and nature in this relations

To expand the point we could look at the second stanza of the poem and mans first physical appearance upon the scene:
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Here it seems is man who is content to simply watch the last hours of autumn float by, it is interesting to note that he is drunk with nature both with the scent of poppies and by the cider. This shows, along with his sparing of the flowers, man and nature in perfect harmony together. The wind also soft-lifts his hair as if in a gentle caress. The piece is deeply pastoral and here you could dig into the nature of John Keats's other poems on a similar theme or draft in other examples from the Romantic school of poetry; though it is always essential to stay on track with the
main poem.

Man is obviously operating in perfect harmony with nature. Is this the way
it used to be? Is the narrator (not the author) of the poem looking back upon times gone by? Is he looking to as man and nature should be working? Is he longing for a better way of life? Such are all possibilities in which the analyst could explore with this theme.
You could comment on the gentleness used within this stanza the "patient look" the watching of the "last oozings hours by hours" or any other aspect that may back-up your points. You could also look at how this links onto the next stanza of the poem and the encroaching winter.
At this stage of the poem you could strongly argue that it is an extremely positive poem, however positive is always best emphasised with the balance of negativity which follows in the last stanza. It that last stanza nature with the "soft dying day" and the "wailful choir" of "mourning" gnats hint of the end of autumn and warm days to the bleakness of winter, and thus you have the negativity.
كتبت : مهد
ربنا معاكى حبيبتى شموخ
والله يجزيها خير دى دى ان شاء الله تكون وفت الطلب
كتبت : شموخ عزي
all of the thank for you didi
thank you
your awonderful friend in this form
اسفه اني مارديت بدري جزاك الله خير
الصفحات 1 2 


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